OK, who here likes a good thrashing or two? i do certainly. I love stick figures in combat, stick fights are awesome and cool, and don't take too much time to animate.... but... like good tasty chocolate cake, too much of it can be a bad thing. I feel that too many sticks are being jammed down my throat ( yeah , i know , try saying that without smiling ) this fattening over binge of stick men is making me kindda sick , i mean , i have nothing against this stick figure animations but its comes to a point where they all seem to bur into one. They all either have no story, they have a lone hero fighting 100 guys that each last 0.2 seconds in the fight or over do all actions. Im fine with stick figures being animated, for some reason they make everything better. BUT its when every 10 anims with stick figures, 9 of them are fights, or combos. i've also noticed that alot of stick figure animators are great effects animators, i wish that they'd do more abstract animating, because i know it would all be good. Xiao xiao was one or maybe the first stick figure animation series, and it was the greatest and will never be topped because its a classic. all that can be done, is to take what was learned from it and to build something new from it, but it seems all people want to do is copy from it,
all i am asking is for more innovation, originality and less random fighting-- its getting a little played out
(forgive me if i miss spelled or used wrong grammer)